Only weeks after Election Day, Thanksgiving reminds us what we can all agree on: food and gratitude. The whole Athens office crew and our beloveds are having Thanksgiving dinner at the Athens Area Homeless Shelter, where our own Bryan Harris serves as a board member. We’re bringing honeyed hams, squash casserole, a couple other vegetarian dishes, homemade sourdough bread,
arroz con leche for dessert, among other dishes TBD. We’re also bringing a metaphorical cornucopia of hostess gifts from the shelter’s wish list, and we’d like to invite the whole community to contribute as well. Drop them off at the
Athens Area Homeless Shelter is at 620 Barber Street, which you can call at (706) 354-0423.
Here’s the Athens Area Homeless Shelter Wish List:
AAHS Current and Ongoing Needs
**Items with a "*" are in greatest need**
**Sippy cups**
**Baby Bottles**
Snack Foods (individually wrapped)
Granola Bars
Fruit Juice boxes, Capri Sun, etc.
Paper or Styrofoam plates, cups
Plastic forks and spoons
**Large Sized Tupperware, Food-Safe Storage Containers**
Disinfectant Spray
Disinfectant cleaning wipes
Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaner
***Laundry detergent***
“Free and Clear” laundry detergent for infant clothing
Fabric Softener
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Hand Soap and Hand Sanitizer
New or Gently Used Comforters, Blankets (twin size)
Plastic Mattress Covers (twin size)
Large Bath Towels
***Trash bags***
***Diapers (especially Size 4&5)***
African American women’s Hair Care Products
Children's Toothpaste
Feminine Products (especially maxi pads)
Deodorant (especially women’s)
Women and Children’s hair bows
Copy Paper
3-ring binders
3-prong portfolios
Markers, Colored Pencils
Plastic sign holders
Alarm Clocks
Storage Containers in various sizes (under the bed storage, etc)
Planners, calendars
Expandable file folders for storage of important documents
***Gift certificates (for school clothes, etc.)***
Disposable cameras
Movie or athletic event tickets for family outings
Family Friendly DVD’s
Socks and underwear (call for specific sizes)
Black Bow Ties
New or gently used Khaki and Black Pants (various adult sizes)
New or gently used White Button Up Shirts (various adult sizes)
Gently Used, Working Computer
Baby Carrier/Sling
Child Safety Harness
Aluminum Soda Tabs!
New or Gently Used Furniture (call ahead for drop off location and time)
Monetary donations are always needed and welcomed
*Note: Due to lack of storage space, we are unable to accept donations of used toys or clothing (except what is noted above) at this time. PLEASE DO NOT BRING SAMPLE SIZED SOAPS AND ITEMS.
Also, next Wednesday at Fook’s Foods is Fresh Roast Duck Day, just in time for Thanksgiving. If you’d like one, just e-mail Karen, the store owner, at fooksfoods@bellsouth.net ASAP letting her know your order and then pick up on Duck Day until 7 pm. Whole ducks are $16 and halves are $8.75. Also, she’s got fresh Georgia shrimp and fresh fish from Florida today.
Gobble, quack, gracias, cam ơn, gratzie, danke, merci, kőzsőnőm, teşekular, xse xse, thanks – for everything! -Ivy